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Showing Collections: 121 - 127 of 127

Esteban Torres Papers

Identifier: CSRC-0125

Esteban Torres served eight terms in the United States House of Representatives as the Congressman for southeastern Los Angeles County. Prior to that he was an activist and labor organizer, the United States ambassador to UNESCO, and Special Assistant to the President for Hispanic Affairs under Jimmy Carter. This collection consists of his working papers, correspondence, and photographs. There is also a small amount of personal material.

Dates: Majority of material found within Bulk, 1982-1998; 1949-1998

The Carlos Vasquez Papers,

Identifier: 44

This collection consists of a wide variety of rare small press Chicano and Latino themed newspapers mainly published between the late 1960s through the mid 1970s. The following are examples nespapers in this collection:

La Gente

La Verdad

UCLA Daily Bruin


El Tecolote

La Raza


Prensa Popular


The Black Panther


Dates: [1960-1980]

Carlos G. Velez-Ibanez Sterilization Research Collection

Identifier: CSRC-20

This is a research collection of papers and notes on sterilization, fertility, and eugenics. It also contains material on Madrigal v. Quilligan, a 1978 lawsuit brought by ten Mexican-American women who had been sterilized without their informed consent. Most of the materials are photocopies.

Dates: 1929 - 1997

VIVA Records,

Identifier: 22
Abstract VIVA, Lesbian and Gay Latino Artists, was a non-profit arts agency founded in 1987 for the purpose of promoting the creative and artistic talent of Lesbians, Gays, Latina and Latino artists and their culture. Based in Los Angeles, VIVA was formally designed to create a coalition who would advocate against the lack of representation in Los Angeles of artists from these communities. This collection primarily consists of papers related to the administration, events, exhibitions, performances,...
Dates: 1970-2000

Devra Weber Papers

Identifier: 61
Abstract The collection consists of newspapers, correspondence, flyers, and magazines collected by Devra Weber from the 1960's to the 1970's. The material primarily pertains to the Chicano Moratorium, Ruben Salazar, the Labor Movement, the Chicana/o Movement, women's issues, education, prisons, and politics of the period.**Please note that accents have been eliminated inorder to accomodate and facilitate the use of all types of web browsers.Researchers...
Dates: 1960-1970

Andy Zermeno Papers

Identifier: CSRC-0038

Andy Zermeno is an artist best known for his work for the United Farm Workers and their newspaper El Malcriado. This collection consists of his drawings.

Dates: 1970 - 2004

Zine Collection

Identifier: CSRC-0027

This collection consists of small magazines, also known as 'Zines. They are on a range of topics but all within the heading of Chicano Studies. They were hand crafted by the students of Professor Maylei Blackwell's Chicano Studies class at UCLA.

Dates: 2005 March

Filter Results

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Los Angeles (Calif.) 11
Mexican American arts -- Chicano Arts 9
Chicano movement 8
Mexican American women -- Chicana women 7
East Los Angeles (Calif.) 6
∨ more
Feminism 6
Latino/a/x LGBTQ+ people -- Latino/a/x gay men 6
Mexican American artists -- Chicano artists 5
Education, Higher 4
Emigration and immigration 4
LGBTQ+ artists -- Gay artists 4
Latino higher education 4
Latino/a/x LGBTQ+ people -- Latino/a/x lesbians 4
Mambo (Dance) 4
Mexican Americans -- Education 4
Rumba (Dance) 4
Social justice 4
Women's rights 4
Cha-cha (Dance) 3
Chicano rock (music) 3
Chicano/a/x LGBTQ+ people -- Chicano/a/x gay men 3
Education 3
Hispanic American women -- Latina women 3
LGBTQ+ activism -- Lesbian activism 3
LGBTQ+ arts -- Gay art 3
Latin jazz 3
Mexican American motion picture producers and directors 3
Mexican Americans -- Civil rights -- Chicanos -- Civil rights 3
Mexican Americans -- Social conditions 3
Mexico 3
Traveling exhibitions 3
American poetry -- Mexican American authors 2
Art, Latin American 2
Corridos 2
Cuba 2
Dance music 2
Education, Bilingual -- United States 2
HIV-positive people 2
Hispanic American artists -- Latino artists 2
Hispanic American college students -- Latino college students 2
Immigration enforcement 2
LGBTQ+ activists -- AIDS activists 2
LGBTQ+ activists -- Lesbian political activists 2
LGBTQ+ authors -- Gay authors 2
LGBTQ+ people -- LGBTQ+ artists 2
LGBTQ+ poetry -- Gay poetry 2
Labor 2
Labor unions 2
Latino/a/x LGBTQ+ people 2
Lowriders 2
Mail art 2
Mariachi 2
Mexican American legislators -- Chicano elected officials 2
Mexican American poets 2
Mexican American theater -- Chicano theater 2
Mexican American women artists 2
Mexican Americans -- California -- East Los Angeles -- Social conditions 2
Mexican Americans--California--East Los Angeles--Politics and government. 2
Nude art -- Nude photographs 2
Police brutality 2
Small presses 2
Sociology 2
Veterans 2
AIDS organizations 1
Activism 1
Affordable Housing 1
Agricultural laborers -- Farm workers 1
Agriculture, Cooperative--Mexico 1
American literature -- Mexican American authors 1
Architecture 1
Art, Guatemalan 1
Art, Puerto Rican 1
Art--Exhibitions 1
Arts in education 1
Bexar County (Tex.) 1
Bilingual authors 1
Body image 1
Border patrols 1
Boxing 1
Break of Dawn 1
Cable television 1
Canciones 1
Career fairs 1
Charities 1
Chicanismo 1
Chicano 1
Chicano Moratorium 1
Chicano literature 1
Chicano/a/x LGBTQ+ people 1
Chicano/a/x LGBTQ+ people -- Chicano/a/x lesbians 1
Child actors 1
Child care services 1
Collectivization of agriculture 1
College integration -- Desegregation 1
College student newspapers and periodicals 1
Communication -- Social aspects 1
Communist parties 1
Community Activisim 1
Community development--Audio-visual aids. 1
+ ∧ less
English 98
Eng 22
Spanish; Castilian 18
Spa 4
Undetermined 2
∨ more  
Chicana Service Action Center (Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional) 3
Comisión Femenil Mexicana Nacional (U.S.) 3
Gonzalez, Pedro J. (1895-04-28-1995-03-17) 3
Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (Organization : U.S.) 3
Salazar, Ruben, 1928-1970 3
∨ more
University of California, Los Angeles 3
Villa, Pancho, 1878-1923 3
Cané, Humberto, 1918-2000 2
Chavez, Cesar, 1927-1993 2
Cuadros, Gil (1962-1996) 2
Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery 2
Gronk, 1954- 2
Hammer Museum 2
Hurtado, Aída 2
Latino Theater Initiative 2
Los Angeles (Calif.). Police Department 2
Madrugadores (Musical group) 2
Mark Taper Forum (Los Angeles, Calif.) 2
Mexican American Opportunity Foundation 2
Plaza de la Raza (Los Angeles, Calif.) 2
Rodriguez, Diane (1951-06-22-2020-04-10) 2
Sandoval, Teddy, 1949-1995 2
Self-Help Graphics and Art, Inc 2
Smithsonian American Art Museum 2
United Farm Workers of America 2
AARP Foundation 1
ACT UP (Organization) 1
Aguilar, Laura, 1959- 1
Almaraz, Carlos (1941-10-05-1989-12-11) 1
Alturas Films 1
Alvarado, Elvia 1
American G.I. Forum 1
American G.I. Forum. Department of California 1
American GI Forum Auxiliary 1
American GI Forum Women 1
Anguiano, Lupe (1929-03-12) 1
Arce, Carlos H. 1
Artenstein, Isaac 1
Artes de Mexico Festival Committee 1988-1992 1
Aztlán Publications (University of California, Los Angeles. Chicano Studies Center) 1
Bañuelos, Romana Acosta (1925-03-20-2018-01-15) 1
Beltramo, Anthony 1927 - 1
Benitez, Tomas 1
Bernal, Antonio, 1937- 1
Bernal, Maria Luisa 1
Bienal de La Habana, 10th (2009 :) (Havana, Cuba)) 1
Biron, Lionel, 1943- 1
Blades, Rubén (19480716) 1
Boyle, Greg (1954-03-19) 1
CSRC Women's Unit 1
California. Youth Authority Board 1
Calvo, Luz, 1960- 1
Canales, Johnny 1
Cantú, Norma E. (Norma Elia), 1947- 1
Carlos Vasquez 1
Carr, Vikki (1941-07-19) 1
Castillo, Oscar, 1945- 1
Center Theatre Group of Los Angeles 1
Centro de Acción Social Autónomo, Hermandad General de Trabajadores 1
Chicano Studies Research Center 1969 - 2007 1
Chicano Studies Research Center 1976-1983 1
Chicano Studies Research Center Library [1970 -1999?] 1
Chávez Ravine (Los Angeles, Calif. : Stadium) 1
Coalición pro Derechos Humanos del Inmigrante en Los Angeles 1
Corral Vda. de Villa, Luz, 1894-1981 1
Corral, Norma 1
Cory, Roberts-Auli 1
Culture Clash (Comedy troupe) 1
Davis, Grace Montañez, 1926- 1
Diaz, Ulises, 1960- 1
Donis, Alex, 1964- 1
Dreva, Jerry, 1945-1977 1
Duran, Maria Acosta 1
Duron, Armando 1955 - extant 1
El Paladin 1929- 1
Escobar, Edward J., 1946- 1
Espino, Virginia (Virginia Rose) 1
FALN (Organization) 1
Figueroa, David Damian 1962 - 1
Frente Mexicano de Trabajadores de la Cultura 1
Gamboa, Manazar, 1934?-2000 1
Glascock, Baylis 1
González, Rigoberto (1970-07-18) 1
Griswold del Castillo, Richard 1
Guerrero, Dan 1
Guerrero, Lalo (19161224-20050317) 1
Guevara, Ruben (1942-10-17) 1
Hernández, Ester, 1944- 1
Hernández, Kelly Lytle (1974-03-29) 1
Homeboy Industries (Organization) 1
Hopping, Forrest, Sr. 1
Huerta, Dolores (Dolores Clara), 1930- 1
Inter-University Program for Latino Research 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 1
James A. Garfield High School (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1
Japanese American National Museum (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1
Johns, Jasper, 1930- 1
José José (1948-02-17-2019-09-28) 1
Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968 1
+ ∧ less